Looking for a Premises for a Grocery Store  Print version

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#I'll_rent_it, Сommercial real estate

Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Kryvyy Rih

up to $ 551
Listing was posted by
Ватікан ІльДан Андрійович
Ватікан ІльДан Андрійович Я Данило Солодовник, рієлтор компанії "Ватікан". Разом із чудовою командою ми успішно реалізуємо численні проєкти і вирішуємо нестандартні завдання. Маючи...
All views: 40
Today number of views: 1
Date created: 12.06.2024 16:17:25
Listing ID:
Property type:
Сommercial real estate
Status (User):
In progress
  • #shopping_area

Dear commercial property owners,

We are actively searching for a premises to open a grocery store in the metallurgical district. If you have a suitable property, please consider the following requirements:


Area: 120-170 m²
Location: Metallurgical district, preferably a standalone building
Proximity to public transport stops

Why you should rent to us:

We guarantee stable and long-term rental.
Timely payment and careful handling of your property.
Our goal is to create a store that will be convenient and pleasant for local residents.

Budget: up to 20,000 UAH

We look forward to discussing the details and reaching an agreement. We are eagerly awaiting your proposal!

up to $ 551
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